David had laid awake all night long so far for the last two days. He hadn't slept in 40 hours and was coming up for the longest he'd been awake in recent memory. He knew how long the body could survive without sleep but the guards were intending to use that information as a resource for there benefit of information.
He kept hallucinating about what he had seen out of the "window" that had been installed. Two young children so he thought. They were actually 18 and 20. He was wondering about what they were doing- out drinking, partying, walking home from a long day of afternoon work that took them through the night- when the light was turned on and the guards came in with the questions. The same old questions. David reckoned it was about 1 am. The windows was a TV monitor allowing him to see what was going on along the main road just off the site. This was meant to be making him want to leave more but he knew the guards were using it as a form of reverse psychology. If he spoke about what he knew he would be freed. Not for one minute did he believe he would live for much after he had spoken though.
Out in the the Kentish countryside, Alec and Hannah began walking down the main road from Stodmarsh to Canterbury past the Mental Hospital. They had returned and had succeeded in making their trip to Eastern Europe worthwhile. What they hadn't expected to notice so much whilst being out there were some of the local habits late at night. Whilst they were walking home they had tracked down a public footpath that came out on to a public car park during the day, on the way back a car with a man sat in the drivers seat, a lady was sat astride the man, whilspering intently into his ear. The pair in their 60s, Alec and Hannah couldn't believe what they saw hid their smile at each other and quietly walked away so as not to be noticed.
Humanity, Environments, Communication (music, books, photos of artistic merit, thoughts come psychology) and occasional nostalgia. I beckon you to read on.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Thursday, 13 August 2009
The lost pair
He was breathing heavily, she wasn't. He was out of breath from all the exercise, she wasn't. He was struggling to keep up with her, she..., she was running ahead like a bat out of hell. Through the sunny spots and shady edges to the forest canopy, the sun had been going down for the last half hour. It was seven o'clock, nothing but the sounds from the forest could be heard. The two of them had been play fighting and running around for a little while. She had the energy like one of those Duracell Bunnies, forever going, he did too but was starting fade. He after all was two years younger than her and was struggling to keep his breathing under control. Even though he was two years younger, he was four inches taller than her.
Through the forest, back towards where they had come from, their camp site was set up. They had intended on looking for fire wood to keep themselves warm. In the depths of the forests that border Slovakia and the Czech Republic it was known to get cold even in the height of summer. Plus they needed something to cook the fish on. Having run out of food they had brought with them, they'd shallow buried their waste and marked it for when on return. The aim of the trip was to live in the wild as best as possible. However, Alec had caught a cough and Hannah was keeping an eye on him for any worsening symptoms.
They'd planned to go for two weeks, and for the last two days survive by nature. They'd caught some fish and had spotted some fruit during the day. They're energy levels were incredibly high for not having had much to eat all day. They had finished they're last packed food in this morning.
As they began to run, Hannah tripped over a log and came to a halt on the ground. Alec finally caught up with her, only being twenty metres behind, but in amongst the forest that can be quite a distance at times. A true forest it was, actually a woodland in British terms, tall firs rose out of the ground in some places and well dotted deciduous woodland was amongst them. If it had been a garden at any time in the past it was planned for the highest owner of the land.
The sudden noise made them both stare at each other then at where the noise had come from.
Whatever it was, it had come to the ground swiftly.
A tree had split and a large branch had come down. Parts of the forest were over 300 years old and were showing signs of age.
Alec and Hannah knew that with the dry weather, the log might be just right to set they're evening meal on. They turned back and started heading for where the sound came from.
Alas, when they arrived they realised it would be easier to move the campsite to the log than the log to the campsite. However, neither of them knew exactly where they were. The trails had all started looking the same. Only one thing stood to save them from a cold night, the bright emergency light that flashed on the top of the tent which was activated by a key fob in Alec's pocket.
Collecting some kinderling, they headed back to the campsite a whole mile away, and set to heating the fish they had caught. They would need all the energy they could find for the next day, for lurking in the forest was more than a few wild animals they'd prefer not to meet and would vacate the site quite quickly in the morning.
Through the forest, back towards where they had come from, their camp site was set up. They had intended on looking for fire wood to keep themselves warm. In the depths of the forests that border Slovakia and the Czech Republic it was known to get cold even in the height of summer. Plus they needed something to cook the fish on. Having run out of food they had brought with them, they'd shallow buried their waste and marked it for when on return. The aim of the trip was to live in the wild as best as possible. However, Alec had caught a cough and Hannah was keeping an eye on him for any worsening symptoms.
They'd planned to go for two weeks, and for the last two days survive by nature. They'd caught some fish and had spotted some fruit during the day. They're energy levels were incredibly high for not having had much to eat all day. They had finished they're last packed food in this morning.
As they began to run, Hannah tripped over a log and came to a halt on the ground. Alec finally caught up with her, only being twenty metres behind, but in amongst the forest that can be quite a distance at times. A true forest it was, actually a woodland in British terms, tall firs rose out of the ground in some places and well dotted deciduous woodland was amongst them. If it had been a garden at any time in the past it was planned for the highest owner of the land.
The sudden noise made them both stare at each other then at where the noise had come from.
Whatever it was, it had come to the ground swiftly.
A tree had split and a large branch had come down. Parts of the forest were over 300 years old and were showing signs of age.
Alec and Hannah knew that with the dry weather, the log might be just right to set they're evening meal on. They turned back and started heading for where the sound came from.
Alas, when they arrived they realised it would be easier to move the campsite to the log than the log to the campsite. However, neither of them knew exactly where they were. The trails had all started looking the same. Only one thing stood to save them from a cold night, the bright emergency light that flashed on the top of the tent which was activated by a key fob in Alec's pocket.
Collecting some kinderling, they headed back to the campsite a whole mile away, and set to heating the fish they had caught. They would need all the energy they could find for the next day, for lurking in the forest was more than a few wild animals they'd prefer not to meet and would vacate the site quite quickly in the morning.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Voices Only
Do not attempt to adjust your radio, this a streaming freedom audio. It will last exactly sixty seconds it cannot be stopped it cannot be traced it is the only free voice left in the country.
It has been disclosed in the last few days that what we all consider to be civilised life may be turned upside down. Yesterday it was announced the world would have issues with the amount of food that would need to be created to keep an ever increasing global population hunger free.
With a sixth of the planet's population Chinese and an increasing population across the middle east no wonder the government want us to worry about how the most recent war atrocities are being dealt with. Also, by the use of government media a recent program has suggested that Europe may become Islamic.
The fact remains that the global population is too large. A secret program has been set up, Swine Flu is not real it is a hoax. The Tamiflu virus tablets are cyanide pills. Large swathes of the population, young, immature, adolescent and the weak are being removed from society to make a supreme intelligent society. Education is no longer the best way forward.
The sanctions posed by the UN are sitting ready to take action, The Invisible Force is coming to your door, it will remove anybody it thinks is not of good future human prospects.
Keep your children safe, make them eat healthily and well, keep your head down. This way you can hide from the forces.
This is a Streaming Freedom Audio Broadcast, peace out.
Swine flu for children
GM could help Britain's food production: Hillary Benn
More or Less, Radio 4
Early death concern for drop outs
War in Afganistan
Many other places other than these starting points will find you many facts about the truth.
Monday, 10 August 2009
The real world?
Having spent so much time in captivity David had got used to his guards and the doctors who checked him over on a regular basis. These so called doctors dealt with a number of people who were left sedated and poorly managed by using drugs to keep them calm.
Now it is a more promising aspect to try and fix the patient properly rather than just pump them with the medicine to keep the under control. However, whilst they were attempting to heal the normal patients in the public areas of the mental hospital. In the basement David believed they were not trying to help fix him instead attack him in a number of ways. Through thought provocation, manipulation of the facts for his benefit. Everyone was attacking him and he had to hide.
The doctors whilst they were actually trying to help David, had their hands tied. They were instructed to put him in segregation and stop him from talking to the other patients. He knew too much. The truth be told, David had found out about the Millennium Bug scandal and what it was really meant for. Unfortunately, in due process David had had a psychotic break and never fully recovered.
From the Doctors:
What do you think we should do with him?
Their isn't much we can do, we have to provide the basic level of care and attention, but this is almost like a prison sentence.
Aren't they all prisoners, I mean anyone with mental health issues feel trapped by their own minds. Especially these ones.
It's time we found a way for them, I know it's not completely correct but we must allow them some right of freedom. This one spends his entire day in here, attempting to exercise and listening to the radio. If it weren't for us the guards would have him in some funny chamber doing whatever they wanted to to him.
What do they want from him? Surely since they know he know's some great secret why not be done with it. No one would believe him in his state, he's never competely their. It's a shame, why do they question him, what do they expect to find. Are they hoping he knows something else?
In the white room David started to do his stretching, making out he was completely nuts wasn't hard he was slightly 'crazy' these days. Ten years of solitude would make anyone stark raving mad. Unfortunately, David couldn't tell the difference between himself pretending to be insane and actual insanity moments.
"Listen carefully...listen very carefully..."
The doctors spotted that David had stopped stretching and whatever was going on in his room had changed his mood, he had snapped out of a limbering up session and was starting to count from 1000 backwards.
The doctors didn't know what to make of it. They couldn't hear anything. But to David the radio was telling him what he must do next.
Was this another insane moment? No, there was an ultra high pitched noise that only David had been trained on over the years. He had slowly learned to do whatever was asked of him whenever the noise in the room started. If he did not, a great unbearable amount of pain would be released across the floor. The soft white cushioned room had fine pieces of metal wire allowing electric doses to travel across the ground. The result of this was the stench of burnt hair and skin.
The doctors meanwhile never noticed the difference because he was consistently appearing to have an episode at the time.
Now it is a more promising aspect to try and fix the patient properly rather than just pump them with the medicine to keep the under control. However, whilst they were attempting to heal the normal patients in the public areas of the mental hospital. In the basement David believed they were not trying to help fix him instead attack him in a number of ways. Through thought provocation, manipulation of the facts for his benefit. Everyone was attacking him and he had to hide.
The doctors whilst they were actually trying to help David, had their hands tied. They were instructed to put him in segregation and stop him from talking to the other patients. He knew too much. The truth be told, David had found out about the Millennium Bug scandal and what it was really meant for. Unfortunately, in due process David had had a psychotic break and never fully recovered.
From the Doctors:
What do you think we should do with him?
Their isn't much we can do, we have to provide the basic level of care and attention, but this is almost like a prison sentence.
Aren't they all prisoners, I mean anyone with mental health issues feel trapped by their own minds. Especially these ones.
It's time we found a way for them, I know it's not completely correct but we must allow them some right of freedom. This one spends his entire day in here, attempting to exercise and listening to the radio. If it weren't for us the guards would have him in some funny chamber doing whatever they wanted to to him.
What do they want from him? Surely since they know he know's some great secret why not be done with it. No one would believe him in his state, he's never competely their. It's a shame, why do they question him, what do they expect to find. Are they hoping he knows something else?
In the white room David started to do his stretching, making out he was completely nuts wasn't hard he was slightly 'crazy' these days. Ten years of solitude would make anyone stark raving mad. Unfortunately, David couldn't tell the difference between himself pretending to be insane and actual insanity moments.
"Listen carefully...listen very carefully..."
The doctors spotted that David had stopped stretching and whatever was going on in his room had changed his mood, he had snapped out of a limbering up session and was starting to count from 1000 backwards.
The doctors didn't know what to make of it. They couldn't hear anything. But to David the radio was telling him what he must do next.
Was this another insane moment? No, there was an ultra high pitched noise that only David had been trained on over the years. He had slowly learned to do whatever was asked of him whenever the noise in the room started. If he did not, a great unbearable amount of pain would be released across the floor. The soft white cushioned room had fine pieces of metal wire allowing electric doses to travel across the ground. The result of this was the stench of burnt hair and skin.
The doctors meanwhile never noticed the difference because he was consistently appearing to have an episode at the time.
"I will go east and go west
From whence came
The moon and the sun
The moon and the sun will go
And the young man
With his reputation behind him
I will go wherever he came from -
The young man with his reputation behind him"
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Summary to week one - An Authors View
Here at the end of each week blog books writing, I shall provide a quick highlight of what has occurred in the story so far. I shall also give you a clue to what will happen in the following week. By no means is it a spoiler or taster but something to make your mind work on and devbelop the story to your own imagination much further.
In this weeks summary we have met out latest crop of people who wander the earth in a paranoid status. Through the illusions of what could be fact or fiction David is said to be developing Schizophrenia after being held captive and put under interrogation in Her Majesty's Prison Saint Martin'd Mental Health Institution, Canterbury. The secret bolt hole that David Bloothine has lived for ten years has meant he can only listen to the readio when not put through a number of question sessions. David has been locked up because the government has found out that he founnd the true reasons for the Millenium Bug. However, he has been listening to a lady called Anne Merino who is a young feminist at heart and wants to meet her. He intends to break out to do this.
In the apparent real world the guards have been watching him develop his little theories. Stuck against a number of obstavckes The Invisible Force, fish problems and social equality have all reared their ugly heards.
Is David just imagining things or is there something to be said for his bumbling views, why has TIF made a clain to David? The past and the present do not equal the future any more...
In this weeks summary we have met out latest crop of people who wander the earth in a paranoid status. Through the illusions of what could be fact or fiction David is said to be developing Schizophrenia after being held captive and put under interrogation in Her Majesty's Prison Saint Martin'd Mental Health Institution, Canterbury. The secret bolt hole that David Bloothine has lived for ten years has meant he can only listen to the readio when not put through a number of question sessions. David has been locked up because the government has found out that he founnd the true reasons for the Millenium Bug. However, he has been listening to a lady called Anne Merino who is a young feminist at heart and wants to meet her. He intends to break out to do this.
In the apparent real world the guards have been watching him develop his little theories. Stuck against a number of obstavckes The Invisible Force, fish problems and social equality have all reared their ugly heards.
Is David just imagining things or is there something to be said for his bumbling views, why has TIF made a clain to David? The past and the present do not equal the future any more...
Celtic Woman - Harry's Game
What Irish film is this music used in?

Celtic Woman - Harry's Game
What Irish film is this music used in?

How does this apply to the Mental Health Institution?
"Do not attempt to adjust your set this is a streaming freedom video, cable hack will last exactly sixty seconds, it cannot be traced it cannot be stopped and it is the only free voice left in this city...(50 seconds where the information is broadast on the TV channel hacked followed by) ...peace out."
Thursday, 6 August 2009
"I bring it upon myself. I have as a woman, a need to fight the ladies corner. Equal rights all the way no more of this man lead world- I believe in a free place, but everywhere I look I find trouble. It is time to put the place right.
I stand-in my living room- to address all of you who now know that if we are to keep ourselves and the places we live free from all the adverse affects that man has done. We need to make ourselves the career woman with nanny's at home, take us back to the 20th century where woman could work at home. I expect all people to become career minded."
Anne sat listening to this garble she had just read out loud into a Dictaphone and felt it was not her way, with the admiration of what it all started with for feminism and beliefs of what should be happening, it turned out. That very little of it would or did hold true. To Anne, the balance was almost right already, no change was needed particularly, just small issues were needing to be ironed out.
Anne decided to go back in time by listening to some music. She poured herself another glass of white wine and sat in her soft chair, legs dangling over the side listening to Learning to Fly by Pink Floyd. As a young girl still she had found the 80s style of music very interesting, but needed something relatively soothing and yet with a beat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb-Nacm-pKc&feature=related
Meanwhile, David sat in his cell. Well he thought it a cell. He had carried his though processes through somewhat. But, there was one problem. With having found out about TIF he had noticed what imagery they had used and hunted for the Album. The Division Bell. When David mentioned this to the guards last night, they got hold of a copy for him. However, they were in control of the stereo system and kept playing the CD, David particularly noticed Wearing the Inside Out by Pink Floyd. He started to rehearse his methodology for escape. Having spent so long in solitude other than the "HMP Mental Institution" David decided he would manage to survive on the outside.
Little did Anne or David know that they were listening to the same Album. In fact Anne didn't know David was coming to find her. He knew the connection. David carried on writing in his diary, but kept it in code. To him, the institution would never work out what he had written, to him everything made sense.
The doctors meanwhile kept him dosed up on tablets because of his increasing signs of memory troubles, visual hallucinations and where he started talking to himself about escaping to the outside world.
To the guards and the doctors, everything was normal in their environment. Unfortunately to David the world had become a very damaging place and he was not in any fit state, although the doctors did have a connection to TIF.
I stand-in my living room- to address all of you who now know that if we are to keep ourselves and the places we live free from all the adverse affects that man has done. We need to make ourselves the career woman with nanny's at home, take us back to the 20th century where woman could work at home. I expect all people to become career minded."
Anne sat listening to this garble she had just read out loud into a Dictaphone and felt it was not her way, with the admiration of what it all started with for feminism and beliefs of what should be happening, it turned out. That very little of it would or did hold true. To Anne, the balance was almost right already, no change was needed particularly, just small issues were needing to be ironed out.
Anne decided to go back in time by listening to some music. She poured herself another glass of white wine and sat in her soft chair, legs dangling over the side listening to Learning to Fly by Pink Floyd. As a young girl still she had found the 80s style of music very interesting, but needed something relatively soothing and yet with a beat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb-Nacm-pKc&feature=related
Meanwhile, David sat in his cell. Well he thought it a cell. He had carried his though processes through somewhat. But, there was one problem. With having found out about TIF he had noticed what imagery they had used and hunted for the Album. The Division Bell. When David mentioned this to the guards last night, they got hold of a copy for him. However, they were in control of the stereo system and kept playing the CD, David particularly noticed Wearing the Inside Out by Pink Floyd. He started to rehearse his methodology for escape. Having spent so long in solitude other than the "HMP Mental Institution" David decided he would manage to survive on the outside.
From morning to night I stayed out of sighthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENzacvB8nJA
Didn't recognise I'd become
No more than alive I'd barely survive
In a word...overrun
Won't hear a sound He's curled into the corner
From my mouth But still the screen is flickering
I've spent too long With an endless stream of garbage to
On the inside out ....curse the place
My skin is cold In a sea of random images
To the human touch The self-destructing animal
This bleeding heart's Waiting for the waves to break
Not beating much
I murmured a vow of silence and now
I don't even hear when I think aloud
Extinguished by light I turn on the night
Wear its darkness with an empty smile
I'm creeping back to life
My nervous system all away
I'm wearing the inside out
Look at him now
He's paler somehow
But he's coming round
He's starting to choke
It's been so long since he spoke
Well he can have the words right from my mouth
And with these words I can see
Clear through the clouds that covered me
Just give it time then speak my name
Now we can hear ourselves again
I'm holding out He's standing on the threshold
For the day Caught in fiery anger
When all the clouds And hurled into the furnace he'll
Have blown away ...curse the place
I'm with you now He's torn in all directions
Can speak your name And the still the screen is flickering
Now we can hear Waiting for the flames to break
Ourselves again.
Little did Anne or David know that they were listening to the same Album. In fact Anne didn't know David was coming to find her. He knew the connection. David carried on writing in his diary, but kept it in code. To him, the institution would never work out what he had written, to him everything made sense.
The doctors meanwhile kept him dosed up on tablets because of his increasing signs of memory troubles, visual hallucinations and where he started talking to himself about escaping to the outside world.
To the guards and the doctors, everything was normal in their environment. Unfortunately to David the world had become a very damaging place and he was not in any fit state, although the doctors did have a connection to TIF.
"Everyone knows everyone elses business."
Now we can hear our selves again...
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
It's a small world in the end. ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) have to be fought at every possible moment. Not by fighting with them or by trying to forget them but by excepting they exist, and thereby saying the reverse of what the bad ANT is saying in your mind.
I for one frequently have to fight the ANT infestation. With the constant questioning from these small minded people who want to know everything about me. (Even saying that is a bad thing to say- generalising yourself and attempting perfectionism are killers, it cannot be done you see). In this place when I am allowed out of my room, I am followed by a hoard of voices, a hoard of people who batter me with questions time and time again.
Slowly I will reveal to you who I am, David Bloothine is my name but none of you know where I have come from yet. In this mental institution which is more of a prison. I have resided in this county for some twenty years. Now, 38, a relatively young man still, I have had to fight my inner feelings all the way. It's something that just happens.
But ANTs can be controlled, by letting them flow over you by working with your inner being to balance your mind you can complete anything you want to. If you think badly of yourself you become like that and the reverse is true too. E.g. I am an idiot. You slowly become an idiot. I am an intelligent person, you can learn and recall information better.
All you have to do is believe in yourself, easier said than done I know. But when you have no choice about what life brings you you must make the most of them. That is why I absolutely hate the detruction of the environment. I am a man of the environment, I have brought back my survival and bushcraft skills. I do my level best to keep my self toned. Even with the guards who like to keep me locked up, I still rehearse day in day out, provide myself a drill to keep myself active and finally I will escape from this place and let everybody know exactly what TIF really are and do.
They can threaten me, I have noticed their little message and even if they come back again, I will be waiting. I will find a way out. And prove once and for all what TIF really are up to.
However, two things stand in my way. Getting the guards on my side. These people who feed me drugs that make me hallucinate and keep me docile so I don't hurt them. Secondly, I need an escape plan and a way of fighting in the wild. It's an urban warfare issue, I can blend in and look like a street beggar or anyone. But if they come hunting me down, I may have to go off the radar. There is only a few ways that I can survive. It can't last. I must escape and tell the world before it's too late. TIF have made a deal, the UK government has been dealt a hand that it must abide by, and keep me locked in my white room.
I for one frequently have to fight the ANT infestation. With the constant questioning from these small minded people who want to know everything about me. (Even saying that is a bad thing to say- generalising yourself and attempting perfectionism are killers, it cannot be done you see). In this place when I am allowed out of my room, I am followed by a hoard of voices, a hoard of people who batter me with questions time and time again.
- Was I right,
- was I wrong,
- do I think I did the right thing,
- you know why your here,
- you shouldn't be allowed to leave,
- You can't leave.
Slowly I will reveal to you who I am, David Bloothine is my name but none of you know where I have come from yet. In this mental institution which is more of a prison. I have resided in this county for some twenty years. Now, 38, a relatively young man still, I have had to fight my inner feelings all the way. It's something that just happens.
But ANTs can be controlled, by letting them flow over you by working with your inner being to balance your mind you can complete anything you want to. If you think badly of yourself you become like that and the reverse is true too. E.g. I am an idiot. You slowly become an idiot. I am an intelligent person, you can learn and recall information better.
All you have to do is believe in yourself, easier said than done I know. But when you have no choice about what life brings you you must make the most of them. That is why I absolutely hate the detruction of the environment. I am a man of the environment, I have brought back my survival and bushcraft skills. I do my level best to keep my self toned. Even with the guards who like to keep me locked up, I still rehearse day in day out, provide myself a drill to keep myself active and finally I will escape from this place and let everybody know exactly what TIF really are and do.
They can threaten me, I have noticed their little message and even if they come back again, I will be waiting. I will find a way out. And prove once and for all what TIF really are up to.
However, two things stand in my way. Getting the guards on my side. These people who feed me drugs that make me hallucinate and keep me docile so I don't hurt them. Secondly, I need an escape plan and a way of fighting in the wild. It's an urban warfare issue, I can blend in and look like a street beggar or anyone. But if they come hunting me down, I may have to go off the radar. There is only a few ways that I can survive. It can't last. I must escape and tell the world before it's too late. TIF have made a deal, the UK government has been dealt a hand that it must abide by, and keep me locked in my white room.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Fishy feelings
Some times I do wonder about the odd news stories. Today I hear about how the most frequently caught Carp had died. Apparently, the fish may have been poisoned by uncooked nuts. Nuts are not allowed on the lake that is resided at.
Benson (his name) was found dead in the Bluebell Lakes of Peterborough. Being caught some 63 times he was approximately 20-25 years old.
Why do I write about fish? Well I could begin a whole environmental spool about what we should be doing to make the world and indeed our country a much healthier place. But I will talk about environmental challenges in many other places at another time.
I particularly wanted to pick out the problems with society on the whole. Where we fail in environmentally friendly ways we also similarly still have the age old demon of crime. And here begins today's story, ripped from the headlines.
The voice of Clive
David realised that amongst all this just one problem stuck out further into his mind. His religious feelings had been diminished further. This Anne woman was talking of a hide and seek group sometimes referred to as electronic Caching, where four or five people hide at night in villages. Then their friends drive across the countryside park up and track in on them. This quiet sector of Christian games, was this a form of finding faith or having faith by searching people out in the dead of night.
The point was these people who Anne was referring too, were not thieves at all. Apparently mistaken for looking like they were about to break into a car, wearing balaclava's they made the police believe they were a group of 'well to do teenagers' going around playing a christian form of hide and seek. David was not impressed by this latest of ideals if it were true, neither was impressed by the way the police were lied too, or the way religion was used as a get out clause, faith was breaking his world not helping it on the whole. No one's faith would do, he would find his own way forward.
If he were to escape his daily grind of white padded cell questioning without god, then he would find another way to survive.

How long is the fish?
Benson (his name) was found dead in the Bluebell Lakes of Peterborough. Being caught some 63 times he was approximately 20-25 years old.
Why do I write about fish? Well I could begin a whole environmental spool about what we should be doing to make the world and indeed our country a much healthier place. But I will talk about environmental challenges in many other places at another time.
I particularly wanted to pick out the problems with society on the whole. Where we fail in environmentally friendly ways we also similarly still have the age old demon of crime. And here begins today's story, ripped from the headlines.
The voice of Clive
Radio Presenter: ...Now it's time for todays look into the minds of local villagers in this weeks Voice of Clive, presented by Clive Jamieson.David sat listening intently to this very strange conversation taking place. It seemed to him he needed to Kill a what? Kill a lamp post? Kill her hour? No that didn't make sense. Ha, he laughed at his own little joke, Killer nat, killer wat. They mean Kilo Watt hour. Oh dear.
Anne lives in Mortimer, Berkshire. In this recluse of a village, their are no street lights. Recent council applications have lead to a small offence by the locals. Why does a quiet countryside village need lights? Being one of the last places to get the metal polls of light which burn Kilowatts per hour...why should the place be affected, NIMBY springs to mind. Is it environmental health or health and safety gone mad? Do street lights need to be everywhere? In this weeks voice we want to find about local village life.
Anne says:
"It's a very pleasant experience, this is an area that many people would wish to live in southern England. We are by no means completely rural, but are cut off esufficently to believe we are."
Clive: How would you describe the atmosphere?
Anne: Relaxing on the whole, except for when you hear your car being broken into. Amazingly the police attended in quick time, I'd say under ten minutes...apparently a white van and two 4x4s have been canvassing the area, thus the police were particularly interested.
Clive: Anne, would you say local village life was friendly?
Anne: Absolutely, in everyway. I am a central member to our thick community as it was suggested yesterday. Mortimer has two different parts to it, the thin people live in the council housing the thick ones live in the ex-council houses. They're are recent expansion builds. There are no street lights, but no one round here would really want them.
Clive: Do you all group together?
Anne: Yes, always.
Clive: Do, do you set up camapigns as such?
Anne: We enjoy making sure we get what we want from our village. I would say we would like to keep it the way it always was, we don't want anymore people moving in. The locals are not becoming locals, the 'thick' community is disintegrating.
David realised that amongst all this just one problem stuck out further into his mind. His religious feelings had been diminished further. This Anne woman was talking of a hide and seek group sometimes referred to as electronic Caching, where four or five people hide at night in villages. Then their friends drive across the countryside park up and track in on them. This quiet sector of Christian games, was this a form of finding faith or having faith by searching people out in the dead of night.
The point was these people who Anne was referring too, were not thieves at all. Apparently mistaken for looking like they were about to break into a car, wearing balaclava's they made the police believe they were a group of 'well to do teenagers' going around playing a christian form of hide and seek. David was not impressed by this latest of ideals if it were true, neither was impressed by the way the police were lied too, or the way religion was used as a get out clause, faith was breaking his world not helping it on the whole. No one's faith would do, he would find his own way forward.
If he were to escape his daily grind of white padded cell questioning without god, then he would find another way to survive.
Dinner was being served tonight, fish pie was on the list. He chose fish because he still had to fight his environmental ills, he needed fish- he loved fish. However, as he started eating he heard the news about Benson the Carp. David was so distraught with the way Benson had died he threw his dinner on its paper plate across the 20ft square room, it made a thud against the door and fell to the floor. He went hungry until the morning. David spent the night thinking about a picture he had seen and the questions that came with it:

How long is the fish?
Monday, 3 August 2009
Links zwo, drei, vier...
(Left two, three four). The german army marching chant is used in a hit heavy rock song by a German band called Rammstein. http://herzeleid.com/en/lyrics/mutter#links_234
The thick and the thin of this relates back to Rammstein through a number of ways. I dubiously relate this phrasing by:
1. You've been through the thick and thin of it- which if you read the history on the band, they have been a little.
2. A strange way of deciphering the way the religious leader, the Archbishop of Westminster, relates the issues of online social networking to the break down and moral detruction of society. In today's Thought for the Day on Radio 4, apparently community is breaking down as interpersonal skills disintegrate.
Thick community: Everybody knows everyone else. Have a high level of trust, know everybody's business and leave the back doors open for each other. Pubs and the church are found at the heart of the community, people look, think and drink alike. However, this can be constraining.
Thin community: People don't know they're neighbours, don't look, think or drink alike. However, can be socially diverse and liberating for others. (Radio4, Thought for the day, 03/08/09) http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/programmes/thought/
Excusing the puns, does this mean that idiots attend church and therefore everbody is just another sheep, is just another one of the flock following each other into a spiral of decline or isolation?
Does the argument not stand true that isolation can occur through both the thick and thin community. Are the think communities 'thick skinned' and therefore more likely to survive? What of the thin communities?
David sat with these questions in his mind for a long time. When David Bloothine found out about this little bit of information his final attempt to believe religion was doing something right in the world was lost. Would he ever find his need for high accceptance again? Would he survive The Invisbible Force (TIF)?
David had so many questions however, nobody knew of his existance. After being locked up in a white padded cell in Saint Martins Mental Health Centre, Canterbury. He had been hidden away from society for near on ten years. The apparent laws on mental health had forgotten David was still alive. Seperated from the rest of the mentally incarcerated he was convicted because of the truth. "The Truth will set you Free" he mumured.
The reason behind him being locked up was to keep him quiet. In December 1999, he believed he had found out the truth behind the Millenium Bug. What it was really meant for and to do. Soon after going to bed one night, he was drugged, removed from his house and re-awoke in the Mental Health Centre for questioning, persistent questioning. 24hours a day.
Now, August 2009, he had survived the frequent calls of nature, the extraction of information by medical means of testing and had finally succumbed by lying and proving to everyone else except to himself that he was mad. He still believed he was completely sane. Unfortunately time alone in the white room had taken its toll on him- and his only source to the outside world other than the staff who tended to his needs was the radio. Of which, he believed was edited before he heard it. He was not helped by his own ill health, the detriment of cabin fever and the constant white meant he had started his disent to Schizophrenia. He began his repitition again: Links zwo, Links zwo, Links zwo drei vier...
The thick and the thin of this relates back to Rammstein through a number of ways. I dubiously relate this phrasing by:
1. You've been through the thick and thin of it- which if you read the history on the band, they have been a little.
2. A strange way of deciphering the way the religious leader, the Archbishop of Westminster, relates the issues of online social networking to the break down and moral detruction of society. In today's Thought for the Day on Radio 4, apparently community is breaking down as interpersonal skills disintegrate.
Thick community: Everybody knows everyone else. Have a high level of trust, know everybody's business and leave the back doors open for each other. Pubs and the church are found at the heart of the community, people look, think and drink alike. However, this can be constraining.
Thin community: People don't know they're neighbours, don't look, think or drink alike. However, can be socially diverse and liberating for others. (Radio4, Thought for the day, 03/08/09) http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/programmes/thought/
Excusing the puns, does this mean that idiots attend church and therefore everbody is just another sheep, is just another one of the flock following each other into a spiral of decline or isolation?
Does the argument not stand true that isolation can occur through both the thick and thin community. Are the think communities 'thick skinned' and therefore more likely to survive? What of the thin communities?
David sat with these questions in his mind for a long time. When David Bloothine found out about this little bit of information his final attempt to believe religion was doing something right in the world was lost. Would he ever find his need for high accceptance again? Would he survive The Invisbible Force (TIF)?
David had so many questions however, nobody knew of his existance. After being locked up in a white padded cell in Saint Martins Mental Health Centre, Canterbury. He had been hidden away from society for near on ten years. The apparent laws on mental health had forgotten David was still alive. Seperated from the rest of the mentally incarcerated he was convicted because of the truth. "The Truth will set you Free" he mumured.
The reason behind him being locked up was to keep him quiet. In December 1999, he believed he had found out the truth behind the Millenium Bug. What it was really meant for and to do. Soon after going to bed one night, he was drugged, removed from his house and re-awoke in the Mental Health Centre for questioning, persistent questioning. 24hours a day.
Now, August 2009, he had survived the frequent calls of nature, the extraction of information by medical means of testing and had finally succumbed by lying and proving to everyone else except to himself that he was mad. He still believed he was completely sane. Unfortunately time alone in the white room had taken its toll on him- and his only source to the outside world other than the staff who tended to his needs was the radio. Of which, he believed was edited before he heard it. He was not helped by his own ill health, the detriment of cabin fever and the constant white meant he had started his disent to Schizophrenia. He began his repitition again: Links zwo, Links zwo, Links zwo drei vier...
Saturday, 1 August 2009
(9-1) = 8, 8/2 = 4.....1984....
Back from the many tasks of the day at home. I finally now get the chance to further develop my line of thought from yesterday.
I know, I can hear you all saying boring, why more of this trollop, but really now if you want to understand keep reading.
So who went and found out about Kirill and The Prisoner? Please fill in the survey accordingly.
Now, as I was saying, Kirill could potentially make the average person paranoid beyond belief. With the likes of 1984 (George Orwell) and the stories of the Winshaw family in What a Carve Up (Johnathan Coe), you could be forgiven if the world around you was just like The Truman Show (Weir, 1998) or Conspiracy Theory (Donner, 1997)- the world could well be working behind the scenes, potentially against you without you even knowing. Which leads me back to Schizophrenia...this is because of a well known film called A Beautiful Mind (Howard, 2001) in which Russel Crowe plays a University Professor and becomes entoylled with many cryptography issues.
So how does this connect with what I'm trying to do (writing a blog book), I hear you ask.
Fooled, I have you... Alas we have already begun the journey into the what has lead to the demise of two of the people I know. David Bloothine. (phonetically: Blue-thin) and Anne Merino.
David and Anne I will talk to you about in more detail soon enough, but firstly I need you to concentrate on another key fact. Who are The Invisible Force?
Not a paramilitary group, not a social group, nor religious, discussion, or cult. Just something that Anne and David have found all too much in common. Their way of life has been changed forever and by no means better, by The Invisible Force.
I know, I can hear you all saying boring, why more of this trollop, but really now if you want to understand keep reading.
So who went and found out about Kirill and The Prisoner? Please fill in the survey accordingly.
Now, as I was saying, Kirill could potentially make the average person paranoid beyond belief. With the likes of 1984 (George Orwell) and the stories of the Winshaw family in What a Carve Up (Johnathan Coe), you could be forgiven if the world around you was just like The Truman Show (Weir, 1998) or Conspiracy Theory (Donner, 1997)- the world could well be working behind the scenes, potentially against you without you even knowing. Which leads me back to Schizophrenia...this is because of a well known film called A Beautiful Mind (Howard, 2001) in which Russel Crowe plays a University Professor and becomes entoylled with many cryptography issues.
So how does this connect with what I'm trying to do (writing a blog book), I hear you ask.
Fooled, I have you... Alas we have already begun the journey into the what has lead to the demise of two of the people I know. David Bloothine. (phonetically: Blue-thin) and Anne Merino.
David and Anne I will talk to you about in more detail soon enough, but firstly I need you to concentrate on another key fact. Who are The Invisible Force?
Not a paramilitary group, not a social group, nor religious, discussion, or cult. Just something that Anne and David have found all too much in common. Their way of life has been changed forever and by no means better, by The Invisible Force.
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