Which leads me on to this: Not depressed, just sad, lonely or unhappy
“There are five forms of grief, try not to go through them all at once”.
Humanity, Environments, Communication (music, books, photos of artistic merit, thoughts come psychology) and occasional nostalgia. I beckon you to read on.
“There are five forms of grief, try not to go through them all at once”.
Sat down after dinner a conversation strikes up...
Gentleman: You know how it is, I don't work well with people who tell me what to do and neither do I suffer fools gladly. That's why when Dad and I work together it's never easy.
Lady: I don't like that term, I've told you before.
Gentleman: What term?
Lady: "Suffering fools gladly", it suggests that someone is a fool when they could be a really interesting and intelligent person. You shouldn't put people down in those terms.
Gentleman: You knew what I meant.
Lady: That's not the point.
Gentleman: Well I don't want to fall out with you over this problem as well. The fact of the matter is, the model club isn't seeing eye to eye with Dad and you know how bad tempered he can get. He likes to do things his way.
Nick: It's an old peoples thing, they do more talking and less work on those models.
Gentleman: Yeah, that's what Dad was getting at, some of them turn up test there trains on test track don't do any work and go back home to there own project.
Lady: Maybe that's the problem with the club, they all attend as if they are all working on their own project with others helping and don't work as a true team.
Gentleman: Ah, well, we'll see how things are resolved tomorrow. This committee meeting is a load of nonsense. They complaining about stuff that the complainants do too and Dad is Dad, trying to do things his own way.
Lady: He wants to run it his way.
Gentleman: No he doesn't, he gave up being chairman because of all the politics involved in running the place. He is exhibition manager, that's a tough enough job as it is.
Lady: Right, well pudding I think. Dinner's gone down so far alreeaady.
Gentleman: What's for pudding?
Lady: We got the Fudge from the holiday.
Gentleman: (Gets up and walks over) Where is it?
Lady: In the bag marked "Cranchies", one for us and one for Nick.
Gentleman: (Coming back over) Here you go...
Lady: Look at this stuff, it's all glued together.
Nick: Mine's OK, its just got warm and turned in to one block of fudge.
Lady: You see what I mean about accusing people of not doing a proper job, they didn't sort the fudge out to well.
Gentleman: Yeah, how hard can it be to pack fudge properly.
Lady: (Turns in to hysterics and begins laughing) Nick: (looks cringingly down at his bag of fudge attempting to hide the rye smile and remove the thought again, at the sight of his pudding.
Gentleman: You dropped me in that...
Lady: Yeah.
Gentleman: ...the things which make you laugh, such a tiny mind you have to please.
Nick: (Looking at the gentleman) I saw that coming, suffering from fools gladly?
I don't have what it takes. To find a solution, to breathe fresh life into these pages and find a meaning to any of it. That's why no title exists. In the search and conquest to understand, all I find is that even more makes less sense.
I don't write this stuff for me or you, I just write because I need to escape and place my thought bubbles in one location. If I didn't I would go completely mad. The essence of all is to just run and hide. The three F's Fear, Fright and Flight... Fear of never getting there, frightened of doing what needs to be done and flying just to escape and find my own comfort zone.
I don't like being here or being there. I don't actually like being anywhere. All I want to do is hide and carry on like nothing ever changed. But time moves on and the world turns on its axis. I have very little left so what's it to you I should ask.
Are you me, are you you? Should I sit down, stand up or make hay? Do you want tea, coffee, juice or just plain dam water? Would you like to sit and cry? Or laugh a little? Because your confusing me more and more. Tell me what do you want? I'm not Jekyll or Hyde, I'm not Bonnie and Clyde either. But you got to say something to me or else this is game end.
I don't have what it takes, sucking energy out, who comes to replace it? Who should I ask to come and be my undoing? Who should witness my last stand, my last burning amount of energy? Don't look at me, look at the vicar, tell me what is it he said...huh? Did you tell me what he said or did you tell me what you want me to hear? Look at me when I'm talking...
...its hard down here, its harder up there. 5.5bn years I never knew about this world, I dreamed of a previous existence as an elephant. Do you think god will take me or will this universe forget my existence? The ever expanding universe, when will we know whose out there. Maybe we are all already living in the pits of hell. Who knows, maybe you already fear me because I am ready to take you and break you, welcome to my home, my insatiable need for an escape. Pull the rope and let me drop.