Saturday, 24 September 2011

Music and Words: Musically Reminding

As times gone, on so my musically capabilities have decreased. I spend what time I have with either classical or modern music (eclectic listening I have) trying to re write the score on my eye lids. THe years gone by when I could nigh on do that, I'm not pitch perfect, but some members of my family have been.

RE-writing a score in front of my eye lids isn't the only thing, it's challenging or gripping in a specific way. THis is what I want to get to, today - Scala and Kolacny Brothers - Everlong (Foo Fighters orginal).

MUsic has a number of elements, seven categories: Dynamics, Timbre, Tempo, Structure, Pitch, texture, silence and genre. ALthough these I'm sure are a new version (like the the old and new Lords Prayer) re written for modern times. Maybe that's my memory playing tricks.

Still, listening intently, music which will utomatically take you back to a certain place, even to an exact hour in your life. This is not exactly the birth of your neew born, but it equates a similar edge, you know exactly what happened and everything around you said and done.
Christmas Eve, 2009, 6am, Snow falling and driving from Manchester to London: Karl Jenkins - Requiem - Grey

BY 2.17 you get the warmth of the woodwind and brass coming together, whilst the percussion shuffle carries on gradually building...entering a new phrase at 3.07 bringing you in and surrounding you. Not too distantly the tenor Saxophone solo over the rest, harmonised with the choir. THe succession continuing of peaceful, certainty, accomplishments, changing keys again and again to show off across the hill tops your success before realising the full rounded shape in both major and minor changes to up lift you. So much for grey, most certainly colourful.

Even if it is classical-Romantic (not by era) but by style. Todays popular culture, similar staves and stances can be found. Harmonies from within and without. Multiple versions of the next exist, the original by Anna Ternheim What Have I Done, and a party version set by Familjen. The words most certainly sticking to you, letter by letter.

Anna has a soft approach, notably having the Quiet Night music on Wallander, and excelling in a numberof Genre's

Next time Musically Repetitive, to take us across the likes of Claire Maguire & Paula Seling, imagery of old and new bands, culture politics and what maybe annoying sounds but gradually taking another layer off that stone heart you placed on the side whilst slaving over the stove. Certainly for ending the frost.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Music and Words: Advert Animals

I've decided to break down the next entry into little bits becuase it's just easier on you and me. I saw it mentioned that bitesize chunks work.

The overall theme is Music and Words, Ludovico Einaudi Primavera
Music and Words which distract us, remind us and tell us to hold on, to remember to embrace. Togetherness: By Orange

Today I'm basing it on Advert animals.

Have you noticed just how many animals and cuddly toys are on our TV's?

I recall seeing the Blue Bear "Inner Self" for a well known Yogurt years ago. Where you should look after your outer and inner self.

And then I realised there are a lot of these creatures around these days.
Cup a Soup - "Hugs in a Mug", of a fast paced blue (again) thing, it can only be described as a thing, see the advert, coming to give you a hug as you drink your soup. Can you imagine seeing this thing in real life?

To put a fine point on it here are all the others I can think of:
Birds Eye - Polar Bear
Foxes Biscuits - Panda
PG Tips - Monkey
Car Insurance - The Meerkats
Cravendale - Cat's
and many a pet food directly for pets

How many more adverts, do you know of that use creature comforts to sell to your soft side? Not just trying to clamber under your bedsheets with a cuddly toy but with words of something we can all relate too, all become emotionally attached too and quietly laugh at for it's honestly truthful way of pulling the heart strings.

It doesn't stop here, it turns out the big film makers have been doing the self same thing too...

Frozen Foods: By Birdseye

So I will come back to the theme in a more detailed variety, this one is just a getting started entry. The next one is going to be Musically Reminding.