Sunday, 10 October 2010

The Church of Scientology – A Worrying Parallel

The Secrets of Scientology

I’ve given a link to the recent Panorama program in which we come to realise that the Church of Scientology seems to have nothing to do with Science. Believe in a strange form of Xenu alien that no one knows about and when is investigated or researched follows the researchers. In there hate for psychiatry and belief its wrong they use a lot of psychology tactics to: provoke people, manipulate them to disconnect them from the outside world, watch and record them, even in ‘auditing’ periods, which is like a confession. Their sole aim is to gain numbers and increase there property portfolio, so as Panorama points out, is it a cult?

I think it is because it’s a self-actualising profession, “come to us and we will show you what you can achieve, pay us £100 and get freedom back”.

I’ve seen this portrayed in other ways for business profiteering, where you go on a course in the belief you will increase your knowledge and wealth from carrying out these tasks basically like ‘Neuro-linguistic Programming’, only to find that the course teachers are conning you by making you pay for the course and suggesting your future profit is over the odds on what you actually later earn. Almost like a Franchise where the franchisee has to pay the main owner for the name and product and pay out for any profits you get as well to develop further in the future.

But it’s much worse because it says it is a church, nicking the fundamental symbols and adapting them from the Christian faith, hiding full ‘scripture’ in layers so you have to buy your way up the ladder to more knowledge but not until they are assured you are fully understanding of your current level.

In fact it secludes people so well that it reminds me a little bit of how Berlin was during the cold war and our current issue of North Korea. From the outside no one knows what’s going on, from the inside what we do know is it’s not a pleasant environment. With tactics of manipulation, interrogation auditing and then use of family and friends by ‘disconnection’ methods it makes you want to stay within their reign. This is because if you want to leave you are punished with disconnection, unless you do leave under their terms. Their terms means money, you pay to leave because if you don’t you are threatened with your audits and then they are put in the public domain. No confessions are kept secret, the stakes are high, and your family who remain behind never speak to you again.

I don’t understand how people can be sucked into this; surely someone would have noticed that it’s not good. It’s a dangerous cult that is bullying its clients to stay and believe in a system that they don’t fully understand. Being taught mind games to keep the outside world from knowing all and not even letting those who are accepted find out everything without further money.

This is neither the Stone Masons nor the Quakers, here in Scientology; you’re expected to do as the system decrees. Everything you do is monitored and those who want to know more must pay to sign up or face being harassed.

In some ways it’s not a cult, but it has a cult following, it’s exposing itself to the world by increasing it’s property portfolio, in turn increasing it’s worth and then it is also showing a high number of celebrities getting involved. Obviously, this is only going to encourage the young and susceptible to sign up. If celebrities are doing it, then young kids are going to want to be doing it.

Because they don’t allow you full access from the public domain, because you have to pay in stages to increase your knowledge of what you’re meant to believe in. This following has no true grounding for those who have a real faith.

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