In my office there are no secrets, although everything we do is a secret.
The only way I can describe the fact that, when it was important to tell someone the truth, pull back the curtain, and point to the elephant in the room, was when it was always too late. Some secrets are just best kept. For secrets kept hurt others to profit in the wisdom of power and knowledge over others.
'In the light of day' things can look so much better, but if the 'truth is to set you free' then why keep the secret? When secrets must be kept, it is normal to believe it is for 'the greater good' too many people in the know, too many people realising the truth may lead to unforgivable dilemma's, we can't trust others with these secrets. If we start releasing them who knows how the political, social, economical, technological, moral and ethical landscsape may be adjusted. By revealing your secrets you reduce your upper hand. And just like in cards, they will tumble if you play your hand wrong. "You [after all must] play the hand you're dealt." (C.S. Lewis)
By telling everyone everything the world would be a boring place, it might also be a much safer place. Secrets must be kept, for sometimes to solve a problem what constitutes a violation of "common law" must be thrown out the window in order to stop a greater breach. But, why do we believe we have to sink to such depths, when in all fairness, what we must do is "Keep Talking". After all, we are not James Bond.
BondMusic Allegretto (The girl band not the film series)
Post Script:
The Secret of this topic, is in plain sight. After saving the above thought, I didn't think about it again until much later in the day when I realised I had summarised a fair chunk of everything I have written across my blog in 2010 and 2011. Please forgive me if I am starting to sound boring.
As with the previous entry, this entry also aims at a possible story. I have this crazy story going around my head, untamed and unknowing where it's going, I have yet to find the words to put it down, mainly because it's running like a film script in my head and requires careful links between the story, it's aim, the music and visual impression I want to give. So much information can be held in little words. For now that story remains my secret.
Whatever you do, don't tell anyone I was here.
Your Secret's safe with me.
For Writer's Island 2011 #10: Secret
fun take.
Unfortunately, once a secret is blabbed, well, it's no longer a secret. And as my mother always said, sometimes staying quiet is the better part of discretion.....