Thursday 21 January 2010


I no longer feel human. I don't like what we do, I see terrible news of hunger and famine, disease, wars, devastation, crime and oppression. We are as a species horrible. We have forgotten our past, we do not communicate or operate equally, we always just want more, more money and power. Whatever your religion or no religion, you need to return to the ideals of earthliness. This world will end, mark my words a bigger issue is at stake and whilst you fight over land and cause great pain on fellow humans for your own personal wants, this planet is being damaged.

How humans have influenced and still influence the environment have been found. Therefore some big concerning questions over how as a species we will survive in to the future need to be asked.

We eat too much of the planets food resources, we burn too much in fossil fuels, we pollute the environment in too many ways. In the end all we have done is set this planet into a down turn that may not recover unless we stop doing what we do everyday. This planet needs to act by its natural processes not by a humanly induced one.

I don't believe in economics driving and influencing everything. I understand sometimes there is a limit to how much some things should cost, but at what point should money making be so right we can damage our planet. At what point should self indulgence of cash, land or heritage out weigh what this planet deserves.

The Malthusian Approach.
Basically it describes the point at which we need to start reducing the numbers of people in order for us as a species to carry on living without destroying the planet.
Many have noted how the numbers of cows reduced and cars reduced would reduce our pollution. However, with 6.3Bn people and rising on this planet, should we not be making a move towards a controlled decline?

Quite frankly, we cant just stop having children, and any child policy has been shown to be bad for society, most notably in China with the one child policy. But, as we are all connected together and we are no longer hunter-gatherers living for the land, but using gadgets and building complex designs, we do not want to go backwards in evolution. Therefore the only way may well be to have a managed global reduction in the human population. One which allows us to reduce our pollution and make the human species sustainable without destroying our planet.

Otherwise we will out grow this planet, it cant keep food levels up today let alone in the next decade, we have taken the majority of any fossil fuel and no one is truly moving the renewable sector- it has many issues surrounding is capabilities to produce electricity and it has issues that affect other key habitats we must conserve and allow to adapt naturally. Our pollution must be controlled, we must reduce our energy needs, our food demands, our expulsion of pollution by:
recycling better, reduce non-renewable goods used, reduce our food demands, reduce the human species numbers to a sustainable level thereby return to loving our habitat.

Our planet is very delicate, the human species is very delicate, one day it will all be gone. Lets start by walking and cycling instead of driving. Live without the need for economics to drive us. Money is nothing, we should all be working together for the greater good. This planet is everything.

Take a good look at yourself, your going to be dead by 85 most likely. Unless your living in an exceptionally 'good' part of the world. Stop fighting, stop being greedy and look at the greater consequence of your little indulgence, for each time a little difference occurs, if everybody makes a little change to what they do a big result appears. Think about the bigger picture, love the planet. Its going to be here longer than you are. It needs to survive for longer, and if it doesn't if we keep going on as we are the human race will turn on itself and no one will be able to enjoy this planet for all it holds. For humanity will crush itself. If it hasn't already started in some places.


  1. Hi. Yes, a lot to say. I saw my cousins dashed on the road today - two bodies. I am the ecosystem. They are the ecosystem. If they are dying then I am dying. A good example of your argument that we use too much is when I was walking on the natural flood plain of the Thames, and I saw the water was too high for the water gates to safely allow passage of the water. We people push the environment too hard. In this case we won't allow the river to spread out and become lower; but we want it at the height that suits us, not that suits the water life. I have just discovered that middle class man is continually trying to get the better of the environment. I am that man. I know I can't outwit the ecosystem. I must change or the ecosystem will be a poorer place. It does not hesitate to snuff out life at its leisure.

    I can't look guiltily at the trees anymore. Either I and the trees are going to work it out between us or we're not going to at all. We must live TOGETHER WITH the ecosystem and not in spite of it. I will cut down one tree but only in order to protect other trees. When a tree is in the wrong place I will encourage it not to grow there but spare its life. The trees are me and I am the trees. We are one life. There is but one life. Hang on to it with all your carefulness. Trees are not ornaments. They have their own life force. They have feelings, they get angry. It will get angry if I do not respect it.

    Finally, it is no trouble taking sharpened steal and cutting a branch for use. It will not kill the tree. The tree will grow back. Anyway, I agree with your comments about mankind destroying itself. We are in a priviledged position to understand these things. There is a void. The earth is sick. Oh Man, reclaim your throne and sing to the earth as you once did. It will blossom more for you. Take but a little and feed on the feeling of a thousand leftovers that will feed all the other animals. Feel the strength of freshness in the air as you see another creature and feel a dweller of many. One out of thousands. Do not lift your bow against all things that move. Reclaim your sovereign jollity as one with other living things.

  2. Firstly, I'm sorry about your brothers.

    This is not about environmental extremism. Its rather blunt and to the point, we should make ourselves ready for the inevitable day when there is not enough food and not enough fuel. As at this point one of three things could potential happen. 1. We turn on our neighbours 2. Start to live by land in some form of "The Good Life" 3. Jump ship. It has to be said that the third one is more likely to be the case for the people who cannot get about easily, the young and the old, they will die quicker as we can tell from less developed parts of the world. Also, it is likely that we would have to go back to information being spread by word of mouth, which I fear we may have already lost the capcity to do given our needs on electronic communication and lack of community spirit in some places.

    Trees do grow back. Your right. What I was trying to say was we need to be more in harmony, we don't need to worry so much about farming our landscape so long as it is natural for that landscape to be farmed. Tree's especially the Oak, has the capcity to talk to each other... if three oasks grew too close to each other one or even two, so as to save the species will die off because of the biogeochemicals the plants coordinate each other by.

    Perhaps two good methods could be practiced and learnt, that of bushcraftmanship/tribal teaching on how to live by the land and understand what the land is doing and saying so as to look after it better. Secondly, whilst I am not the most religous of people and I think it would be best kept out of the problem, become buddhist, probably the only religion that is of absolute peacefulness and at one with itself. But this is said to be within reason too. Maybe living as a sustainable development, good recycling and good old stories amnd information passed on down the family tree is what we really need.

    We may not see the end, but one day our children/grandchildren will meet this inevitable day if over population and destruction of the earth resources carries on unless we sort it out now. 100 years really is not all that much time, given this interglacial spell is 12,000 years old and only a blip in time itself for the natural equilibrium on earth.
